For every bidet you purchase from our hallowed website, we pledge to the earth a noble sacrifice: a brand new, oxygen-producing, TREE! That's correct, for the every bottom wash you enjoy, a new top growth arises! It's the loop of life, but more cleaner, fresher, and with significantly less deforestation!

We've partnered with the epic One Tree Planted, to ensure your tree finds a loving home and gets busy saving the planet!. Think about it, you're not just buying a bidet, but you're investing in cleaner air, happier squirrels, and a future where toilet paper is a distant, unpleasant memory!

So, join the Conor Australia movement! Ditch the problamatic disposable, embrace the bidet glory, and become a champion of the chlorophyll! Choose Conor Australia, and together, we can make the world a cleaner, greener, and altogether fresher place! One flush, one tree, one glorious bum at a time!

The Gift of Life, Cocooned in Leaves: What You Get, and What They Get!
Behold! A gift so esoteric, very much significant, it will leave both you and the beneficiary breathless and possibly slightly more oxygenated! Forget the disposable delights! We offer you something enduring, something breathing, something... treemendous!

What You Get

Both you and the giftee will receive a personalized tree certificate with the recipient's name to thank you for your donation. The giftee will get a custom e-card created by you on your date of choice. We will also send you reports about this project, so you can track the impact your trees are having on the community and environment.

Quality Projects

Community &
Social Benefits



Climate Change

Why Gift Trees

Trees Make a Great Last-Minute Gift

As an eco-friendly alternative or in addition to other presents, gifting trees makes for a great last-minute gift. Everything is done digitally, so you don't have to worry about shipping delays; we’ll deliver it to their inbox on the day of your choosing!

The Benefits of Trees

Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat to over 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity. Forests provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people, absorb harmful carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines.

What the Giftee Receives

When you gift trees, your recipient will get a Tree Certificate and a customized e-card. You'll get to rest easy knowing you've given a meaningful, waste-free gift that will benefit, not harm, nature!